Friday, June 26, 2009

The Partner He left Behind

I wrote this 2 years after my father passed away. . . .

It has been two years
Yet the tears run It was two years ago
She stood in the hallway in the hospital
Too late to bid goodbye
Too late for final words of love
He ended his journey that day
He went home
She started her journey
Her struggle
She still longs to go home

She knows he is in a better place
Yet how does one say that?
When together they were
For almost 40 years

Loss is never easy
No one should think otherwise
She would tell
That a loss is never really set free

Tears fall as she stands by the grave
Aligned in fragrant white floors that she laid her self
She stands under the tree that has given her shade for more than a decade
For here lays her closest family

Alone she feels in the world now
Loved ones gone
Left with a daughter she fails to reach out to
She stands by the grave in tears

Her heart weighed down by sadness
Her soul almost given up
She cries for her soul mate
She cries out for a calling back home


Joby Abrham said...

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.You seemed to be saying here that his/her absence has gone through you
like thread through a needle. Everything you do is stitched with its color. The one gone from your gaze is like a beautiful dream.
And you seek that person with hope by the meadow and stream.Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are the closest.Your words were mesmerising.. dear frnd.