Are we strong enough to let go of those whom we love
Will you give to God, your child, your little five years old
Do you have the strength to give away and let go
If the Lord calls upon her today
Are we strong enough to take a step back and let God take control
Will you give to the Lord your lover, the love of your life
If the Lord calls, are you willing to let go
Are we those who have the faith that is needed to move forward
Will you be assured that they are now in the hands of the Lord
Will your heart rejoice though not with you, they smile with God
Or will your heart be beyond healing
The Lord knows and He understand
For we all belong to the Lord
He gives, he takes away
Are we ready to let go if the Lord calls tonight
If He takes your loved one, will you still say,
Blessed be Your name my Lord
Blessed be Your name